Useful links
Essential Services
- Melbourn Orchard Surgery phone 01763 260220 Dispensary 01763 261246
- Find your nearest GP surgery
- Find your nearest Dentist
- Find your nearest Pharmacy
- NHS 111 Service
- Rehab 4 Addiction
- Samaritans
Support Services (Non Council Organisations)
- Childline or phone 0800 1111 (24 hour service)
- Citizens advice Bureau or phone Cambridge office 0344 848 7979 Royston office 03444111 444
- Community Transport or phone 01763 245228
- Home Start (Support and friendship for Families) or phone 01763 262262
- Mind (Mental Health) or phone 0300 123 3393 (9am to 6pm Mon - Fri)
- Samaritans or phone 116123
- Relate (relationship support) or phone 01302 347866
- Safety Detectives This guide features what children do online, the threat of online strangers and how to ensure a healthy balance between Internet use, your children's online privacy, digital security, and more on online safety to mention.
Recycling and Household Waste
Meldreth Facilities
- LITTER PICKER -Mick Taylor 01763 261118
- NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH -Graham Borgonon 01763 260358
- ONE STOP 01763 262158 open 7am-10pm, 7 days
- VILLAGE HALL BOOKINGS -Sherida Richards 01763 262512
- VILLAGE HALL CHAIRMAN -Paul Ray 01763 260304
Other Useful local links
- Melbourn Hub Phone 01763 263303
- Royston Museum Phone 01763 242587