16th October 2024

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Meldreth Parish Council Serving the people of Meldreth

Melbourn & Meldreth Women's Group

The Women's Group is a comprehensive organisation open to all women who wish to share in the Church's worship and want to meet together for further opportunities of study, friendship and service.

We meet on the fourth Tuesday of each month, except December, either in the Meeting Room of Holy Trinity Church, Meldreth or in The Community Hall, behind All Saints Church in Melbourn. Meetings usually begin at 7.45pm. There is no annual subscription but a charge of £1 per evening is made and there is an option of contributing to the charity pot. We usually support a different charity each year. We vote on this at our Annual General Meeting, when there is a chance for members to nominate a charity saying why they would like to support it. Our charities tend to have a local bearing. Charities we have supported in the past include East Anglia Children's Hospice, Addenbrooke's Teenage Cancer Trust, MAGPAS and The Red Balloon Learning Centre in Cambridge.

We begin each meeting with our prayer:
O God, our Heavenly Father, we pray for your blessing upon us. Help us to extend the hand of friendship, to study your word and to serve you and mankind with love and dedication, so fulfilling the aims of our group. For the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen

We usually have a guest speaker who takes questions and we end the evening with tea/coffee and biscuits which gives everyone a chance to chat. At some meetings we entertain ourselves with games evenings (always easier to play scrabble or cards in a group) or music evenings and these always prove to be popular and very relaxing.

Each year we have a summer supper which is held in Meldreth or Melbourn, and our AGM which is held in Melbourn. Both of these events focus on a meal and friendship. We also take on the role of organising the Joint Parishes Harvest Supper which is held in Meldreth Village Hall and support the Church communities by taking part in the Meldreth Holy Trinity Church Fete in June and the Melbourn Bazaar in November. We normally decorate a Christmas tree for the Christmas Tree Festival which is held at Holy Trinity Church to mark the beginning of Advent.

In the summer we often have an evening outing. We often find ourselves supporting our local hostelry after these outings.

Reports of our meetings appear in Meldreth Matters each month and you may view our programme for this year by clicking on the link below.

If you would like to join us, or have any questions, please contact Sue Toule on (01763) 260955.

Last updated: Wed, 23 Oct 2019 16:00