22nd January 2025

Search Meldreth Parish Council

Meldreth Parish Council Serving the people of Meldreth

Melbourn and Meldreth Lunch Club

The purpose of the Lunch Club is to provide a two course meal for a maximum of 32 people once a week. We meet at Vicarage Close Community Centre in Melbourn every Thursday, unless weather conditions forces us to close.

An excellent meal is provided by Moorlands Court. The cost of the meal is £5 per person per week, with the exception of the Christmas lunch which is free. A different menu is offered each week, on a six-week rotation. Everything is served from the kitchen by a group of volunteers, some of whom come very week, and others who work on a rota basis.

Those attending the Club can enjoy good company and a natter for approximately an hour and a half. Diners can arrive any time from about 11.30am, with the aim of sitting down to eat at 12 noon. We usually finish at about 1.00pm but everyone is welcome to sit and chat until 1.30pm.

We have volunteer drivers who collect residents from Meldreth and also from Melbourn, if they do not live in Vicarage Close. There is no additional charge for this.

Additional drivers are ALWAYS needed. If anybody would like to help out on a rota basis, which would mean one Thursday every month, please contact us by telephone.

We continue to run purely on donations from both Parish Councils and occasionally from outside donations which boost the funds.

For further information please contact Jeannie Seers on 07808 735066.

Last updated: Wed, 23 Oct 2019 16:39