22nd January 2025

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Meldreth Parish Council Serving the people of Meldreth

Joint Parish Prayer Group - Offering support through prayer

The Joint Parish Prayer Group was formed in 2001 when a group of ladies from Meldreth (the late Phyllis Dargue, Joan Gipson and Marion Long) and Melbourn (Anne Harding, Barbara Mitchell and Betty King) felt that the benefits of such a group helped in many ways, such as enhancing a more personal relationship with God, supporting one another through prayer and also giving support in an unobtrusive way to the community at large.

The first meeting took place in the meeting room at Holy Trinity Church and subsequent meetings took place at the home of Joan Gipson and then at the home of Marion Long at Oakrits and now at North End, our regular venue. On some occasions it has been necessary to meet in Melbourn and the homes of Barbara MacKellar and Sue Cane have been used.

Our numbers have remained constant and we have met many challenges but have seen many positive outcomes to people's lives. In addition to the regular meetings, the group also has associated with it, two prayer 'circles'. These are there as a resource to the community and when a prayer request is received from the public by a member of the group, that person ensures that it is passed on to all the other members of the circles. Prayer requests are always treated with the utmost sensitivity and confidence.

Of course, we cannot say that we have worked miracles – only God does that and His will and only His works through those He chooses. However, we have witnessed over the years many wonderful healings, both of a physical and mental nature.

The group meet on a regular basis in Meldreth on the third Tuesday of each month at 8.00pm at the home of Marion Long, 85 North End. The meetings usually last between one and one and a half hours. Our programme is structured in such a way that it is comfortable and non-threatening. Our group welcomes new members at any time, so if you would like to join us, please feel free to do so. You can contact Marion on (01763) 261365.

Last updated: Wed, 23 Oct 2019 16:52