Financial Information
Estimates of Income and Expenditure
Meldreth Parish Council receives its main income from the South Cambridgeshire District Council (SCDC). This is known as the Precept.
Every year in November/December, the Council prepares its budget for the following financial year. The difference between budget income (cemetery fees, allotment rents, grants etc) and budget expenditure ( salaries, maintenance, projects, annual running costs etc) less reserves is the amount of funds that the Parish Council will request from SCDC. This is the precept amount.
The Parish Council will also estimate the Band D rating calculated on the previous year's Band D tax base.
Annual Return Form & External Auditors Report
Financial Annual Return 2019-20 (PDF, 5.2 Mb)
Financial Annual Return 2019-20
Conclusion of Audit 2020-21 (PDF, 2.9 Mb)
Conclusion of Audit 2020-21
Conclusion of External Audit 2021-22 (PDF, 3.1 Mb)
Conclusion of External Audit 2021-22
Conclusion of External Audit 2023-24 (PDF, 1.4 Mb)
Conclusion of External Audit 2023-24
Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Accounts
Exercise of Public Rights 2023-24 (PDF, 298 Kb)
Exercise of Public Rights 2023-24
unaudited Agar 2023-24 (PDF, 3.5 Mb)
Unaudited AGAR 2023-24
Electors Rights 2022-23 (PDF, 223 Kb)
Electors Rights 2022-23
Unaudited AGAR 2022-23 (PDF, 5.7 Mb)
Unaudited AGAR 2022-23
External Audit Report 2022-23 (PDF, 147 Kb)
External Audit Report 2022-23
Unaudted Annual Return 2020-21 (PDF, 5.4 Mb)
Unaudited Annual Return 2020-21
Electors Rights Notice 2021 (PDF, 298 Kb)
Electors Rights Notice 2021
Electors Rights Notice 2020amended (Word Document, 23 Kb)
Electors Rights Notice 2020
Conclusion of External Audit 2019-20 (PDF, 2.9 Mb)
Meldreth Parish Council receives its main income from the South Cambridgeshire District Council (SCDC). This is known as the Precept and is included in your council tax
Grant Policy and Application Form
Please complete the Grant Application Form and submit it to either Meldreth Futures or Meldreth Parish Council for review. Once it has been reviewed it will be passed to the Parish Council for a decision at the next available Full Council meeting.
Successful grants/donations will be credited direct into the applicant's bank account or on request a cheque can be granted.
Community Grant Application Form (PDF, 109 Kb)
Form to be completed to request financial assistance.
Financial Regulations
Adopted Parish Council Financial Regulations
Financial Regulations (PDF, 258 Kb)
Parish Council Financial Regulations adopted January 2019
List of Current Contracts Awarded & Value of Content
A list of Meldreth Parish Council's current list of contracts awarded, along with their values are recorded in the Compliance with the Local Government Transparency Code 2015 Report.